I haven't forgotten about you at all, I promise!
I have been invited to be a regular blogger at The Busy Nothings with some other amazing women and for now I think that I am going to focus on that. We would love to have you come see what is going on over there and get to know us! We have my SIL Heidi (the genius behind the curtain), her sister Katy (who I love dearly), and Sherri (who has a huge heart for people and I am enjoying getting to know).
We are covering a wide range of topics and have lots of resources available as well! Looking forward to see you over there!
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Sunday, March 4, 2012
So I know I haven't been blogging...truth is, I have a TON of things to blog about, so this next weekend when I am kid free, I will be doing some major writing!
A few of the topics/regular posts will be:
I just incorporated "Date Night" with the kids, so I will be doing a post about that every week.
The reason that I incorporated "Date Night" and have made some other major changes will also be a topic.
Andy Andrews will ALWAYS be a topic!
Healthy eating/living
Down sizing (in many areas) of my life.
On Line Dating (you don't want to miss this)
Saying no. (no relation to the on line dating blog lol)
So there are a few, and I am excited about them! Looking forward to some feed back on a few of these topics!
Friday, February 3, 2012
The End of the Cleanse...
...the beginning of the post cleanse...I was down a total of 15 pounds, so that means just 40 more to go to reach my goal this year!
I am adding things back to my diet that I 'want'...we will see if my body agrees. So far today, I am adding back eggs and cheese. I had an egg omelette with cheese and for lunch I had a bowl of the delicious cabbage soup with cheese and crackers. Feeling pretty good, nothing noticeable as of yet, so all is good!
No coffee or caffeine any more, and I can even do without my pasta and bread cravings...I just miss eggs, cheese and bacon!

Oh, and the exercise never did get a jump start this week...to be remedied ASAP!
The book that I am reading is by Andy Andrews, it is "The Travelers Gift" and "Mastering the Seven Successful Decisions". The bible study that we are doing on Tuesday nights is by Beth Moore, "A Woman's Heart, God's Dwelling Place", and the book that is 'guiding' me in getting my life back on track in every other area of my life is by Donna Partow, "90 Days to living the Proverbs 31 woman". Also, as a side note, I am going to attempt to read "The Abolition of Man" by CS Lewis one more time, and discuss it in a small and elite book club that I am part of by default! :-) Oh, and the book series that I am reading for the umpteenth time for pleasure is by Diana Gabaldon, The Outlander Series. I am currently 1/2 way through book 5!
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Loving My Job...(and co workers)
Today was a great day, lots of energy, a lot of productivity AND A LOT OF FUN!

The highlight of my day was, after entering the pertinent information into the computer and doing a few of the scans on a brand new practice member...I simply said "That is all for me right now, unless you have any questions, I am going to get the Dr. for you." He replied, "I DO have one more question...Do you date older men?"

Bless his sweet little 67 yr. old heart!
I was ALMOST at a loss for words, but managed to squeak out, "No, I don't, but thanks for asking, that is very flattering!" Patted him on his back while he giggled to himself and out the door I went!
P.S. None of you are holding me accountable for the exercising thing, so .... it's not being done. SHAME ON YOU! ;-)

Monday, January 30, 2012
In a rush...
I got to get a move on so I am not late taking my nephew to school today before work, but I just wanted to post this quick thought...
During my Bible reading this morning, I was reading Philippians, and I am always encouraged by Paul's JOY no matter his circumstances. Honestly, I wasn't the first person to come up with the idea of choosing joy... I digress.
The thought that I had was: When people ask, "How was your weekend/your day", etc...I almost always answer "Great/Good"...what I really need to say sometimes is "By world standards, eh...but by heavenly standards GREAT!" Because it truly is about perspective and learning and growth.
Philippians 2:18 "So you too should be glad and rejoice with me!"
Have a blessed day!
Friday, January 27, 2012
Two Weeks Down!
Okay, TWO WEEKS! I am so pumped!
This has been a staple for the last week, and it is delicious! When I first heard 'cabbage soup', I was repulsed...cabbage sounds nasty. I tried it and fell in love!

On this cleanse, we get to add protein back on day 11...
Fish or chicken. I added chicken.

It was THE BEST tasting chicken I had ever eaten! I promise! I am down 14 lbs, and that
much closer to my goal. I am starting the C25K running program on Tuesday to incorporate exercise, and will be doing an exercise video on the opposite days as well.
I will post in a few days the great things that I have been reading in the Bible, as well as some great books that are aiding me at this point in my life! Have a great weekend!
Friday, January 20, 2012
One Week Down...Two to go!
...and then of course there is the rest of my life! ;-)
I can't believe I have been doing this for a week already! Day two was a little rough for me mentally, being around my sewing group in a social setting and eating different...However, they are all very supportive and that helps a TON!

I got on the scale this morning, and I was down 10 lbs!! My goal was to loose 55 lbs this year, and I am very excited about this! I haven't started running again yet, but that will happen in the next week at some point, so that will help too!
The biggest thing is BEING PREPARED! Be prepared for being in town longer than you though and have healthy snacks on hand. I have kept a bag in the car when we go to town that has great alternatives for us to snack on! I also keep extra supplements/vitamins so that I don't get off track taking them. My kids have actually embraced the different eating style and have been eating more salads, yogurt and drinking water and juice vs. soda.

Speaking of soda, we are going to be a no caffeine family from now on, and I told the kids the only soda that I would buy would be A&W Root Beer (did you know that some root beers have caffeine?), and Sprite... Then it was brought to my attention that Sierra Mist is the only drink of it's kind (7 up, Sprite, etc...) that does NOT use high fructose corn syrup! It is much 'lighter' tasting, but is still sweet (it uses real sugar), and fizzy! We have been very happy with the change! Try it out and let me know what you think!
Friday, January 13, 2012
Day One...January 13th...Friday
Mental note: Must get bigger holed straws...fruit gets stuck in skinny ones.
(Sometimes bigger IS better) hee hee
So, starting my day with a fruit smoothie. 2 cups of frozen Island Fruit Mix, water and a splash of OJ. This is a large canning jar glass, so it is quite a bit of smoothie! I also took my supplements and added the powders...
I should be able to get through today no problem, not leaving the house until after dinner to volunteer at the Walton Arts Center for the Blue Man Group! I am pretty excited about that for sure! I have heard that they are pretty amazing!
I will say that I got into a small skirmish with my eldest son Garrett this morning after he (very sweetly I must add) offered me the rest of his chocolate bar! (Pay no attention to the fact that my son was allowed to eat chocolate for breakfast!) I wrestled him to the ground, tickling him and informing him rather loudly that he was ONLY allowed to offer me fruits and veggies!! He apologized after realizing the 'err' of his ways, and order has been restored to the household!
I pray that you have a GREAT Friday the 13th and live life to the fullest! How do YOU do that, I would love to hear!
Thursday, January 12, 2012
The Beginning of the Rest of my Life...
I will be starting a detox on Friday the 13th.

Seems appropriate doesn't it? LOL I am using this one:
I have done it a couple times before, but never stick with it. I don't know about you guys, but I have grand intentions at times, marvelous ideas, and huge dreams...getting my mind and heart to be on the same page though, that's another story. This purification process is 21 days long. For the first 10 days, only fruits and veggies with protein shakes to supplement. At day 11, I add back chicken and fish. You don't feel hungry, and you are not tied to the toilet! I originally wanted to start this last weekend so that I could be done in time for my birthday weekend. My sister mentioned that the Farmers Almanac stated to start on the 13th... Here is the actual link I found, it only has to do with luck:
#9 and #12 struck me wierd: First of all, is there ANYONE that irons their sheets? I have been lucky my whole life according to this one! As for sneezing 3 times before breakfast, well, I sneeze every morning at LEAST 3 times!
Point being that I wanted to be done so I could eat 'normal' for my birthday...then it hit me: THIS IS MY NORMAL! I don't want to slip back into how I was eating and feeding my body. I know it is going to be a struggle, but I have a good support group and I like being different. I am NOT better than anyone. This has been made painfully obvious to me on more than one occasion, but I am striving to continually better myself.
I was challenged to read Phillipians every day this month by Women of Faith speaker, and Mother in Law to my friend Danya, Patsy Clairmont (in the form of a group challenge),and different verses have been sticking out at me. The one that I am claiming for the next 21 days is this: Phillipians 1:21 "For me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain." I have always looked at this verse as physically dying on earth and gaining heaven, but this time I saw it as dying to myself and gaining health with God getting the glory (because we all know I won't be able to do this without His help!)
SO, if there is any of you out there that want to make some changes in your life:
Find someone to hold you accountable, wear your clothes inside out, don't iron your sheets and start on Friday the 13th!
Friday, January 6, 2012
Third Time's a Charm?
I have started several blogs over the years, which, in all honesty is totally congruent with my paper journal writing since 5th grade.
Here is something different I am doing this time around...a linky party! Join in the fun!
That being said, Welcome to my blog (again).
This is a work in progress and I have many ideas for what I want to do here...but again, my track record speaks for itself. When I look over my life, the times when I was most 'on track' or 'with it' or 'together', I was journaling or blogging. My focus was more clear, my decisions more sound. I hope to find that person again, and if you would like, you are invited to take that journey with me.
This won't be a journey for the faint of heart...I will be real here, and my life has been full of ups and downs. How much I share will be up to me of course, but what you read here will be truth. I look forward to getting to know you better as well.
Here is something different I am doing this time around...a linky party! Join in the fun!
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