I will be starting a detox on Friday the 13th.

Seems appropriate doesn't it? LOL I am using this one:
I have done it a couple times before, but never stick with it. I don't know about you guys, but I have grand intentions at times, marvelous ideas, and huge dreams...getting my mind and heart to be on the same page though, that's another story. This purification process is 21 days long. For the first 10 days, only fruits and veggies with protein shakes to supplement. At day 11, I add back chicken and fish. You don't feel hungry, and you are not tied to the toilet! I originally wanted to start this last weekend so that I could be done in time for my birthday weekend. My sister mentioned that the Farmers Almanac stated to start on the 13th... Here is the actual link I found, it only has to do with luck:
#9 and #12 struck me wierd: First of all, is there ANYONE that irons their sheets? I have been lucky my whole life according to this one! As for sneezing 3 times before breakfast, well, I sneeze every morning at LEAST 3 times!
Point being that I wanted to be done so I could eat 'normal' for my birthday...then it hit me: THIS IS MY NORMAL! I don't want to slip back into how I was eating and feeding my body. I know it is going to be a struggle, but I have a good support group and I like being different. I am NOT better than anyone. This has been made painfully obvious to me on more than one occasion, but I am striving to continually better myself.
I was challenged to read Phillipians every day this month by Women of Faith speaker, and Mother in Law to my friend Danya, Patsy Clairmont (in the form of a group challenge),and different verses have been sticking out at me. The one that I am claiming for the next 21 days is this: Phillipians 1:21 "For me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain." I have always looked at this verse as physically dying on earth and gaining heaven, but this time I saw it as dying to myself and gaining health with God getting the glory (because we all know I won't be able to do this without His help!)
SO, if there is any of you out there that want to make some changes in your life:
Find someone to hold you accountable, wear your clothes inside out, don't iron your sheets and start on Friday the 13th!
I used to iron my t-shirts-BC (before children), but I have never, ever considered ironing my sheets. I'm pretty sure my mother and grandmother have done it but I try not to judge. :)
ReplyDeleteGood luck!!